2012 Fall - Delivering Innovation through Collaborative, Networked R&D
The meeting was preceded by a group reception on Wednesday, October 24, 2012.
PRISME Forum Technical Meeting Chair: Alastair Binnie, BMS
PRIME Forum Chair: Matteo di Tommaso, Pfizer
Meeting hosted by Merck
Delivering Innovation through Collaborative, Networked R&D
The pharmaceutical industry has been responding to the challenges that it faces in its R&D productivity. Part of this response has been to change the way that it strives for innovation in its search for new medicines for unmet medical needs. Partnering is increasingly a key part of this new innovation paradigm – with industry seeking collaboration with many different kinds of contributors including: academia, biotechnology companies, CROs, patient care organisations, healthcare providers, regulators and payers. There is an increasing realization that many innovations will come from outside the company fire-walls, and from sources beyond traditional research institutions. Our next generation of employees and managers are being educated in a culture where participation in virtual communities is taken for granted.
New information technology-based solutions are becoming available to support this “virtualisation” or “externalisation” of R&D. The increasingly ubiquitous “cloud” provides a very flexible platform for collaboration. Social networking and crowdsourcing provide two examples of modern tools that might be exploited to enhance new innovative business models.
This PRISME SIG will focus on these industry changes. It will review the enhanced role of IT in delivering innovation and productive collaboration in an agile yet secure way. A wide-ranging and expert faculty will be invited to bring focus on the following perspectives:
The pharma partner perspective – what is it like to work with pharma? What are the challenges? (From an academic / small biotech / patient organisation / payer / etc. perspective)
The pharma perspective – PRISME Forum members will identify individuals in their companies working on “open innovation” or “scientific social networking” models and invite them to describe the IT innovations that have been – or will be – required to support them.
Academic / government / legal perspective – issues of “Open Innovation”, providing cross-industry perspectives and thoughts on IP management
Vendor perspective: services & technologies for collaboration or crowd sourcing.
Expert or representative user perspective who will describe their end user experiences of technology for collaboration – strengths and weaknesses
Regulatory perspective to identify data and information standards – both present and absent – and also process constraints on the emerging pharma R&D information ecosystem