2013 FALL


The fall 2013 PRISME Forum Business Meeting was held Monday and Tuesday, October 14-15, 2013 and was hosted by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics at its campus in Cambridge, MA, USA.

The Technical Meeting was held October 16, 2013 in Boston, MA.


PRISME Forum Chair: Matteo di Tommaso, Pfizer

Business Meeting of the PRISME Forum 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday, the 18th and 19th of November, 2014

Meeting hosted by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

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Session 2: E-collaboration




Session 3: Building a Robust Translational Research Community around the Open-Source tranSMART Platform




Session 4: Session 4: Business Meeting




Session 5: Update, Mockup and Discussion on performing a Cross Pharma/Biotech R&D IT Survey




Session 6: PhUSE Working Group: Lowering the Barriers to the Adoption of Cloud Technology


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