The Tech Group consists of all PRISME Forum members and their delegates (substitutes) along with industry and academia guests specifically invited for each meeting.
The Tech Group meetings occur in spring and fall of each year (US and Europe) and immediately follow the one and a half day Business Group meetings.
The Tech Group meetings have a focus and theme defined by the Business Group six months prior to the event.
Based on this theme, the Tech Meeting Advisory Committee plans a program which usually consists of:
A set of perspectives are being presented from the pharma, academia, consulting or tangential industry vantage points.
These oral presentations are meant to anchor the theme of the meeting and create a foundation for discussion in the Breakouts of later in the day.
The event showcases 7-10 poster presentations on topics related to the event’s theme.
The poster session consists of four to five consecutive 15 minute rotations prior and post the group’s lunch break. Posters are typically printed (4’x6′ or 1.2mx1.8m) and pinned-up on stand-alone boards. They are sometimes accompanied by various electronic media which some presenters choose to use during the 15-minute presentations.
For the actual poster session “flow”, the attendees are split into groups of five or six. Each of these groups feature one badge color. Each color is then matched to a poster number and a poster presentation time (information which is then shared on the mobile app and on each poster board). So, if Group “RED” will start the session at Poster #1 at 10:00 am, then it will move to Poster #2 at 10:15 am, Poster #3 at 10:30 am and so on.
The groups formed in the poster session (or sometimes, different groups) are requested to participate in a brake-out session to discuss topics presented through the day’s lectures and posters.
A re-assembling of the “wider” Tech Group allows a readout of the subgroups’ conclusions and the eventual compilation of a white paper on the theme.
In terms of structure, the Tech Group Meeting features:
WEDNESDAY (18:30 – 22:00):
- Reception
THURSDAY (8:00 – 19:00):
- Lectures
- Panel Discussion
- Poster Presentations
- Keynote Lecture
- Break-outs/Group Discussions
- Read-outs and Discussion
- Networking Reception
- Informal group dinner following return to hotel
Please note that spouses, partners or children are not allowed to any session or social/networking event.